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6 Things Your Dentist Never Puts in Their Mouth

August 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — superdental @ 1:41 pm
Closeup of female dentist smiling in dental office

Between the stress and the pain, you want to avoid experiencing a dental emergency at all costs. Although accidents happen and can’t be completely prevented, there are several ways you can drastically reduce your chance of sustaining a serious injury, starting with following your dentist’s lead! Read on to learn six things your dentist never puts in their mouth.

1. Hard Candies

Sweet treats – from Jolly Ranchers to Jawbreakers – are certainly delicious. Unfortunately, their high sugar content as well as their hard texture means they are also a recipe for a dental emergency. The good news is that you don’t have to completely eliminate desserts from your diet. Just try to stick to more “smile-friendly” ones, like dark chocolate.

2. Their Keys

Think about all of the places your keys have been, from the ignition in your car to the bottom of your purse. Combine that with the fact that most people don’t clean their keys, and you can imagine how much bacteria and germs are on the surface. If that isn’t enough of a reason not to put your keys in your mouth, it’s worth mentioning that their tough exterior can easily result in a chipped or cracked tooth.

3. Whole Lemons

Lemons are filled with vitamins that are essential to a healthy immune system. So, there’s a place for them in nearly every diet! With that said, you shouldn’t bite into a whole lemon. The acidity can quickly eat away at your enamel, leaving you vulnerable to tooth decay. If you want to enjoy this nutrient-dense fruit without damaging your smile, then try diluting it in some water or cooking it with some fresh salmon.

4. Their Fingernails

Nail-biting is a very common habit that’s been linked to everything from anxiety to boredom. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the easiest ways to chip a tooth! Plus, the bacteria and germs underneath your fingernails are being exposed to your mouth (as well as your digestive tract) in the process, which isn’t ideal. For those reasons, it’s best to put a plan in place to quit this unhealthy habit.

5. Other People’s Toothbrushes

If you forgot your toothbrush, you may be tempted to use your significant other’s or your best friend’s. Don’t! Remember, the bristles are covered in food particles, plaque, and bacteria from their mouth. Furthermore, there have been studies that show cavities and colds can be spread that way. So, while it may be inconvenient at the time, it’s always worth going out and buying a new toothbrush.

6. Bottle Caps

Have you ever seen someone use their teeth to open a bottle cap? Maybe you’ve even done it yourself! In short, this is one of the easiest ways to fracture a tooth. After all, your teeth aren’t meant to withstand that kind of pressure. That’s why it’s important to use a bottle cap opener instead – it can save you from a serious (and painful) dental injury.

About the Practice

Although our team at Super Dental hopes that you’ll never experience a dental emergency, we will be here if you do. In fact, that’s one of the reasons we offer late appointment hours – we want to be here when you need us most! If you have a question about emergency dentistry or you’d like to learn more about how you can protect your smile from harm, visit our website or call (978) 216-1515.

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